mixed feelings gratitude

yoga on the great lawn. geoffrey goodridge / michael o'neill
yoga on the great lawn. geoffrey goodridge / michael o'neill

i am grateful for:

1) having enough food

2) peacefully confronting the subway preacher who was trying to tell a bunch of little kids they were going to hell. and him leaving the car even though he wouldn’t look me in the eye.

3) getting away to trees

4) green juice

5) getting to work with so many cool people for so many years

6) sleeping bags

7) the garden at pure food and wine. red chaise, tree canopy, pretty people, yummy drinks.

8) heat

9) yoga on the great lawn. i wrote about it: http://blogs.yogajournal.com/ny09/2010/06

10) the two elenas in my life. the name means “light” and i have gotten so much of it from you both

11) having a place to crash in paris

12) b. getting his new iphone. iMazel tov, babe.

13) caught in a rainstorm, soaked through, home safe

14) chocolate covered raisins