sita sita gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) nina paley and her masterpiece “sita sings the blues

2) new moons (not “new moon” but new moons like the one coming on thursday. seeds, beginnings, palate cleansings, fresh slates)

3) this, which i came across today in the open center catalog, which makes me feel better about weird days with hard things in them: “every moment of your daily life is an opportunity for practice. the whole cosmos is a meditation hall.” -thich nhat hanh. words like “weird” and “hard” become more interesting and less painful.

4) j.b.c.

5) that s. is hoooooome!

6) going to see sharon salzberg and k.d. on the 23rd–at my alma mater, no less. i’m fascinated to meditate and chant in the same room where i learned about silence.

7) rainbows

8) sleep

9) apples in winter

10) all things cozy and warm–blankets, sweaters, some people, bunnies, the slanket