peace-in-the-swirl gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) wet yellow leaves on the gray sidewalks

2) wet red leaves

3) the way after dusk the little honey locust leaf clusters, the ones that look like feathers, seem to glow like little banana moons in the streetlights

4) getting a little sick-day visit from e. and ensuing magic and equilibrium

5) that my brain, for the moment, has stopped thrashing

6) getting reality checks and realizing that it’s not just me

7) the itunes oracle and how sometimes it delivers, big time

8) fresh, eco lamb burger and the nice butcher who asked if i was going to mix it with anything. when i said no, a little confused by the question, he made it into a pattie with a little smoosher thing. and then when i asked what i might want to mix it with, he said chopped parsley, onion, pepper, a little bit of cumin if you have it. nice, like i could imagine him making it. and how he wrapped the meat like it mattered. and i was thinking, but it’s just me and a quick little dinner at my table. but the care he took reminded me that it’s ok to take care, that it’s nice to take care. even when it’s a little solo wednesday night meal. i’m grateful for how loved i felt by the butcher. platonically, professionally, kindly. and damn if it wasn’t the best meal i’ve had in ages.

9) that i made it through the rain (thanks, barry)

10) eating early, sleeping early

11) a 2pm bath and how it felt on frigid feet. how do my legs get so damn cold?

12) this line, from sheryl crow: “was love the illness and disease the cure?”

13) zappos

14) “hold on for seeds and softness. hold on for windows and water.”

15) silence

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1 Comment

Oh, food. Thanks for the reminder that the time we take to feed ourselves is about much more than having enough protein to fuel the day.

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