dark side of the moon gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) the moon. barooooo. the moon when we can see her, when we can’t. when we wish we could. when she is too much for us. there’s a marge piercy poem called “the moon is always female.” as a po-mo former womyn’s studies student, i’m not into “essentializing” nature into genders. but really, i have a terribly hard time imagining the moon as a non-chick, however socially constructed my reasons might be. here’s a pic of me from last night in a dark side of the moon mood:
not so sunny. but moony, definitely. as my friend m. has said, photobooth is a dangerous toy for some of us. i’d say for the moon-inclined among us. the new moon moods, where we’re more inky than sunny. and looking to see: who the hell is that? who is that wandering bark? who is that lost one? “who is asking ‘who am i?'” the non-moon. not the sun, but the larger, non-judging container. it’s much easier to see the beauty in other people’s moon selves–men and women. the slippery mystery.

2) “this american life” from the past few weeks. damn, ira et al. bringin’ it.

3) npr podcasts in general

4) hair bands without metal (ha, i mean the rubber things not music)

5) homemade applesauce. made my first batch ever. so easy! so good! agave sweetened. yum.

6) things on sale at the gap for $8.99

7) this raging cold abating for monday

8) the throbbing toe healing

9) how meditating for even 10 minutes can make everything so much more sane and calm and real and grounded.

10) knowing that nature is out there, fall is unfolding, snow is falling upstate

11) the pre-cocoon cocooning for what looks like a bad-ass winter to come

12) apricot kernel oil

13) imaging that if i open the screen door something warm and sweet will come in

14) imagining what it would be like to have a screen door

15) fresh air after days inside

16) cerulean

17) cinnamon

18) the wizard of oz

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