boulder lohas gratitude

i’m still out here in boulder, a.k.a. heaven.

i am grateful for:

1) inspired, alive, grooving, connected people

2) ray anderson

3) maid service (i feel guilty about being grateful for this. but nonetheless, i appreciate the support with things like bed-making and towel-changing and cosmetics-arranging deeply.)

4) western clouds and the way they hold light

5) om time yoga studio in boulder

6) the soaking tub

7) nudges toward my dharma

8) my no-apologies experiment. i fell off the wagon five times today. five! but awareness is good.

9) being noticed by men. i am invisible in new york. here, cute.

10) two spoons, the coolest little food shop with the best burritos and gelato and i haven’t even tried their “slow coffee” yet, but i am psyched

11) that i have two and a half more days here

12) airplanes


4) yep
8) some things are worth apologizing for
9) in new york, you’re less invisible than you think

ah, re 8) it’s actually an experiment because i have chronic over-apologizing syndrome. second day of the experiment i apologized five times, most not necessary. 9) hmm. i’m not so sure. the competition is steep and the coveted archetype is not mine. but thanks.

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