rain, rain, rainy eddie rabbit loves a rainy night gratitude

would you even be allowed to write a pop song about rain anymore? or just love and lust and partying? weather songs just aren’t topping the charts these days. anyway.

i am grateful for:

1) getting to yoga tonight

2) to s. for getting me back trampolining after the whole bronchitis, post-bronchitis thing

3) the first season of gilmore girls

4) that i was interviewed about lemons again for local tv. go lemons! ask me anything. i am your lemon guru.

5) for praise. man. praise is the fuel on which this bus runs, like it or not, bebe.

6) avocados

7) the teeniest tiniest possibility of a visit out west soon

8) my gal pals

9) getting checked out on the subway yesterday by an indie movie star. but since i am a shy dorkwad and was half asleep i only barely smiled and it probably looked more like a smirk. but it was nice. it would have even been nice if it wasn’t a movie star.

10) class tomorrow

11) fuzzy, warm things that like to be cuddled

12) that i’ve been thinking that i wanted to listen to the hanuman chalisa because jennifer loves it so much and i want to get into it too. and so the first song tonight in class? the hanuman chalisa, of course. kd’s version. we listened all the way through. a lovely chant for yoga asana.


ahhhhk – i’ve been away too long!!! setting up over 1000 artworks for my students’ end of the year show… and a wedding in washington d.c. this weekend (will’s youngest bro)… it’s nice to be back – and to see that you are ever so grateful as usual – always makes me smile. ok, 2 questions… who was the hotty movie star that checked you out? and do you want me to make you a copy of the hanuman chalisa instructional/devotional cd that k.d. made?? hope you are smilin right about now, even if it looks like a smirk;)
l+p+h+k, J!

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