just-before-sleep gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) seeing cm and al tonight. catching up with old friends even for a few hours c’est lovely.

2) leaving the un-a/c’d office

3) that i have two astrologer recommendations–need help reading the tea leaves of these insane coincidences i’ve been having, one after another and another and a sister and a brother.

4) bare arms

5) feeling like eating salad again after only wanting soup

6) that upon realizing i have the annual CT scan coming up in a few weeks (uuuhhhhg), two friends have said they are willing to sit with me through the 3.5-hour process.

7) california dreamin’

8) the gigantic crystals at astro world on 34th street

9) talking about journalism, even a little bit

10) the pom-pom wavers in my life


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