nearly midnight monday gratitude

i am grateful for:
homemade gingerbread by j
homemade flax, chocolate chip oatmeal cookies by j
s’mores with friends
the fulton street russian baths
rishi chai made in my bigger bodum
my cute cute tree with led lights
still making lovely new friends
hanging out with lovely old friends
letting go more
j and w coming in all the way from connecticut
the manifestation collages j and i are making
yoga feeling more fluid this morning
the new bsg webisodes i have yet to watch
the amazing tea deva!

ps: wish list alert. dear bad santa (and listening friends), do you know of a photographer who could take some portraits of me for not too much money? i’d like them for professional stuff so i don’t have to drag a friend and a digital camera to a nearby park every time i need one. thanks!