testing week gratitude

hello. so, i’m in countdown mode to the bi-annual visit to dr. z. on thursday. this time it’s just blood tests–no scanning and electric kool-aid tests. not to completely jinx it, but this time i don’t feel quite so impending doom-y. i mean, what happens happens, but i feel healthy and strong. always weird to go to that hospital, tho. to be in a huge building full of people with cancer. to be reminded. no matter how much i adore dr. z, seeing him is a comfort and a threat all in one.

so, once again, that said, i am grateful for:

1) feeling strong and healthy
2) a great dinner and far-ranging chatting with m. tonight
3) not having more than 200 emails today
4) all the people who covered for me while i was gone
5) water
6) quietness
7) wine
8) that the heat is nice and cooking in my apartment
9) that there will be a solar- and wind-powered billboard in times square
10) this exceedingly helpful gallery on beliefnet about letting go of past loves. not just saying that because they pay the bills.

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