things of the day

word of the day: frustration
existential motif of the day: trying to move forward
reality of the day: spinning wheels
base emotion of the day: sadness. and anxiety.
desire of the day: that which i cannot seem to have
goddess petitioned today: gauri–parvati before she hooked up with shiva
higher intention of the day: serenity
color of the day: gray-blue
wish of the day: a happy presidential outcome
deeper wish of the day: peace everywhere
prayer of the day: may i be free of suffering. may all beings be free of suffering. may i kiss again. may i dance soon. may we all touch our cosmic soul groove. may we all know love. may we all know peace. may we all dance with our wild angels.
things to do today: yadda, yadda, deadline, yadda, dishes, yadda.
accomplishment of the day: not calling my shrink
new cool thing i learned today: nyc has prayer booths
thing i remembered today:
we all suffer
thing i forgot today: to be kind to myself
thing i feel bad about today: missing co-counseling, not getting enough work done
regret of the day: the final note i sent that appeared to leave things open and a subsequent lack of closure and feeling of waiting
other regret of the day: not getting enough work done
what i’m most grateful for today: my great, great girlfriends
what i want right now: a hug and a massage
what i want to give right now: reassurance, a hug, and a massage
reality i am avoiding today: financial
flower of the day: tiger lillies
yoga pose of the day: headstand, without touching the wall


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