a book we all need to read

it’s been sitting on my shelf since 2002. i was always like, i should really read that someday. but clearly the title itself brought up some resistance: undefended love. then the other day an editor asked if she could fed ex one book to me for a story. yup. that’s the one. so i’ve spent big chunks of today reading and snuffling and relevating.

i bought it because a lovely friend said it was changing her life. and i saw it in action. truly, love seemed to blow her life open in the most authentic, to-the-bone way. and now, maybe it can help/remind me and you to relate to our future and present partners with less reactivity, more compassion, and from our essential self. and most fundamentally, relate to ourselves in a way that is more tender and intimate and whole and loving. it really is by far the best relationship book i’ve ever read.


I would also recommend “I and Thou” by Martin Buber. Very heady, but much the same theme — being present in a relationship brings us all closer to the divine. Wonderful.

So, um, do you think I have anything to learn from this book?
Think I might pick myself up a copy and see what this “undefended” concept is all about…

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