crankified gratitude

amazing rope chair

i am grateful for:

1) remembering to write a gratitude list when i’m cranky

2) coconut water from bonobo’s

3) the way people outside look like pale flowers who have been hiding from light just out, dazed, newly skin-bared

4) blue–cornflower, azure, periwinkle

5) being productive. helped by bc’s timing of me in 30 minute increments. i can do anything for 30 minutes. well, almost, even my employee self-evaluation, which i’d rather drink nails than write. it’s hard enough to take the criticism when it’s doled out. and though i’m certainly no stranger to criticizing myself, it’s just mind-scrapingly depressing somehow. oh. um, gratitude. i’m grateful i have an employee self-evaluation to fill out.

6) home catalogs. oh, garnet hill my house-porny little pleasure.

7) earbud headphones that fit without hurting or falling out

8) the woman at bowery whole foods last night who explained to us where she got her turquoise cowboy boots upon request. she also had a gold trenchcoat and limgreen tights and gold rhinestone glasses and perfect teeth. coolest person ever! and she was so nice. she voiced a beliefn i’ve held deeply for ages: “i always want the girls’ clothes–kids clothing come in so many better colors and i think they would be surprised how well they would actually sell to women.” amen, sister. god bless the taupe-free zone.

9) buddha

10) sandalwood malas. they smell good.

11) the rope chair above