‘key largo, montego, baby why don’t we go’ gratitude

i am grateful for…

1) pending vaycayshun!!!

2) souen. i swear, i could eat there every night

3) coral pink pedicures

4) that my writing buddy is going to be an author buddddddyyyyy!!!!

5) sauna-ing outside in the berkshires under a starry sky, with wind blowing the trees and then seeing a shooting star that i swear was just for me

6) lady friends

7) conversations that remind me why. just, why. why we’re here–which is to connect, to emotionally open and nuzzle and truly be with each other. and grateful that i’m blessed to have these on a regular basis with my awesome, lovely peoples

8) coziness

9) healthy toes

10) clear blue skies

11) sleeep


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