i am grateful for…

1) j. walking me and feeding me blue marble ice cream. it’s true for me, this spring thing–that depression spikes in the first beautiful days after the dreary awful ones. but yay for friends who walk and ice cream and listen.

2) that my cold seemed to go away before taking hold this time. go immune system!

3) my ricecooker

4) that the weather seems to be making other people happy

5) yoga today with angie. she rocks.

6) sirasana

7) that i did all the laundry and the dishes and the tidying despite the weepy overwhelminess.

8) blueberries

9) the black bird with the yellow and orange wings in the park. so pretty. (b., do you know what that might have been?)

10) the slightly scary, very fuzzy giant bumblebee who hovered around us in the park. those wings–so fast and blurry! do giant bumblebees sting?


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