‘massive explosions of gratitude week’

rob brezsny, how i love thee:
“ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t tell me you have nothing to be thankful
for, Aries. Your parents could have named you “Hooligan” or “Lightsaber”
or “Flu,” and they didn’t. There are no photos floating around the Internet
that show you riding a pig in the nude. No one has ever broken up with
you via text message. Now please keep going in the direction I’ve pointed
you. Count your blessings up to at least 101. Create an ongoing list of all
the things in your life that work pretty well and make you feel at home in
the world. Why do this now? Because it’s Massive Explosions of Gratitude
Week for you — a time when you can attract even more good fortune into
your life by aggressively identifying the good fortune you already enjoy.”

108 things to come (because that seems about right). share a glimpse of your own list?


i’m right there with you J. i love the people i work with and am so grateful to have the ability to connect on deeper levels than “the weather” with my workmates…

i am grateful for being aries with that awesome horoscope! thanks for posting that HUGE reminder V.! will have to go make a list of the 108 things i am thankful for – but I promise i won’t tag anyone to do the same:)


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